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Pool Safety Tips for Parents

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, an estimated 260 children under five years of age drown each year in residential swimming pools and spas. The Commission estimates that another 3,000 children under…

General Safety Tips

Water Safety

• Learn to swim. The best thing anyone can do to stay safe in and around the water is to learn to swim. Always swim with a buddy; never swim alone. The American Red Cross has swimming courses for people of any age and swim…

ABC’s of Pool Safety

A = Adult Supervision Assign an adult to supervise children in and around the swimming pool and spa. This is needed whether there is one parent or guardian present or numerous adults present such as during a family event…

ADA requires public and private entities to be compliant with new swimming pool, wading pool and spa law

As the original Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law in 1990, regulations for swimming pools, wading pools and spas were already in place. However, they were not actual laws, only guidelines. Now, the ADA wi…

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